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Month: January 2021

Netherlands 2020

Netherlands 2020

Adventure must start with running away from home’ – William Bolitho

It’s late February 2020 and Rach is watching CNN at home in Cyprus. “Babe, I think this might be serious”. “Nah Babe, its just another bird flu virus thing in Asia and a slow news week, they are milking it, it’s nothing serious”, declares Paulie with his usual confidence concerning all things related to global current affairs. By this stage, we are packed up ready to move countries, both technically unemployed and Zeke and Lani finishing up at another school whilst we all get ready for the next chapter in our adventures. On the night of the 14th March, we post (yet another overdue) update to our blog, satisfied that we are closing one amazing chapter and ready to set forth on another before we get on a plane the next morning, yet very aware of the craziness starting to unfold, although with no comprehension of how different the next 12 months would be.  

We awake far too early the next morning to Miss Lani informing us that her tummy hurts. “That’s okay darling, you’re probably a bit nervous and excited like we all are”, says Dad (who is nailing his predictions at this point). Within minutes she begins to violently evacuate the contents of her stomach, and possibly some internal organs. For a kid that had only been sick once in her 7 years, we took it serious enough to do some quick googling. Our ‘diagnosis’ confirmed that a) it definitely wasn’t nerves and b) likely the 22 Russian dumplings she ate at a friend’s house the day before.

Showers all round as we get ready for the taxi to pick us up. To take us to the airport. To move from Cyprus to the Netherlands. In (what we now know) was the beginning of the world descending into chaos and the start of an historic global pandemic. March 15th, 2020 is a day that is permanently etched in our memories, and we are forever grateful that it is an experience we can look back and smile about.

As we get in the taxi, we hear that airports around the world are closing. If you are sick or have any signs of illness – isolate yourself and close contacts. This was not another ‘Asian bird flu’. Using our inner most mind power guru tactics and everything we have learned about working with people in 20+ years of senior management we convince Lani that she is not actually sick as we traverse through the airport which is now on semi military lock down, where men with big guns are eyeing everyone in the crowd on the hunt for sick people. This works extraordinarily well, until we get to the check in counter. “Dad, I think I’m gonna be sick”. “No Lani. No, you are not going to be sick.” “Dad, I am gonna be sick.” “Rach, Lani is gonna need a bathroom!!!” Too late. Details beyond this point are not required, but by some miracle, we were able to board the plane and with several gastro incidents and clothes changes later, Lani’s condition thankfully seemed to be improving.

We land in Amsterdam around 1800. Whilst we were in the air, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands had announced that the whole country must lock down immediately. All shops, cafes, restaurants, everything must close, right now. Our taxi driver was genuinely concerned that we would not be able to buy food or any supplies (this was when we were all new to the idea of lockdowns and didn’t know that the world wouldn’t run out of toilet paper). New country. New life. New language. New world all in the space of a 3-hour flight. Just wow.

Thankfully, and although we did not quite know it at that point, we had just landed in one of the most remarkable countries in the world. We arrived at our apartment to find a crackling fireplace and the toasty warm hospitality (and cold Heineken) of our local hosts. Jeanette, Romy and Neils were there to make sure we had everything ready to go and let us know that they were there for us for anything we needed. Relief does not even come close to cutting it – What. A. Day!

From that point on, we have embraced every moment.

From starting a new school where “the kids are just so kind”, making new best friends, exploring the parks, farms, flowers, windmills, canals, art and playgrounds in our new neighborhood to experiencing the vibrant and historical culture of our European neighbors (when travel restrictions allow). Long weekend stays in Paris, and road trips through Belgium, France and Germany have given us the opportunity to explore parts of the world we used to only dream about and to build memories that are imprinted for an eternity.

With the experience of our year spent camping together in 2018 and the fact we do enjoy each others’ company (most of the time), we have made the most of these lockdowns and if anything, feel closer as a team. Christmas and New Year were special, despite being so far away from loved ones, we ate and drank like the best of them, both in our cosy apartment and enjoying the kind hospitality and fantastic company of new friends.

Soon, the world will figure out a way to get back to a new kind of normal. People will begin to roam once more and then we will have even more fun. We will get to share some of the utterly magnificent places, people, culture and history of our new home with the people we love the most – we are so looking forward to what 2021 brings and can’t wait for visitors!

‘If you’ve ever been homesick, or felt exiled from all the things and people that once defined you, you’ll know how important welcoming words and friendly smiles can be’ – Stephen King

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